The Prince and the Assassin

Allan Lanner has just turned sixteen and is about to find out a truth about his history and his parentage that will rock his very existence. Tasked with delivering a sword to a beautiful Countess, Allan encounters a number of challenges, which lead him from being held captive by brigands, to being rescued by a troop of southern chevaliers, then finally finding his way to Castle Helmstedt and an audience with the King.

Countess Demaris Del’oro is from a small town in northern Arrontierre, where she has just come into the rights to her land and title. Sent to Carentan for an arranged betrothal, she meets Allan at the smithy where she chooses a new sword. Readmore…

The King of Carentan

King of Carentan

Young twins, Jehanna and Jehan, are abandoned, presumed orphaned off the coast of Tennengaul. Brought up by a poor family in a small fishing village, they set out one day on an adventure that takes them across the country to find their fortune and discover their talents. Jehanna develops a skill for herbs and healing, while Jehan trains to be a soldier in a local garrison.

The new King of Carentan at only eighteen years of age is confronted by a national threat from the Southern Lands that soon becomes a threat to the entire Western Isles. Only months into his reign, it falls to Gereinte Andolin to draw together the combined might of the divided Western Isles to stand up to the threat of the Chevaliers of Arrontierre. But will it be enough? Read more…

The Prince of Carentan


Gereinte Andolin, heir to the throne of Carentan is a sitting target since the death of his father. After several assassination attempts, he is abducted and sold into servitude to a rough sea-faring tribe called the Coustillers. During Gereinte’s time aboard the Skyelady brig, his family is plagued by endless plots to undermine their authority and subvert the rightful heir to the throne. After a year at sea and having earned his freedom, Gereinte returns to Carentan and is reunited with his family. His mother sends him on a Grand Tour to forge alliances across the Western Isles, during which time he procures a magical blue sword, rescues a princess and secures alliances across several countries. However, his trip is cut short by news of his mother’s ill health. The Kingdom of Carentan is thrown into a state of uncertainty and discontent and Gereinte is forced into a duel for the crown of Carentan. Will Gereinte finally prove to his peers and rivals that he is worthy of being king? Read more…